Download Minecraft PE 1.19.50 APK

[Оценок: 13 Средний: 4.5]

A new day is coming, and we are downloading Minecraft 1.19.50 APK because a new update has been released.

In the new update, fresh Experimental features are waiting for you, which can be enabled in the world settings. This will allow you to try the mods for the work they were needed. Among other things, bamboo blocks, such as mosaics, doors, hatches, etc., became available. The «Observations» feature has been removed from Experimental and is now available in the game.

Camels and new bamboo blocks in Minecraft 1.19.50

You can travel through the desert on two-humped camels, that is, you can take a passenger with you. Well, according to the classics, a lot of annoying bugs have been fixed in this update.

Changes list:


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